Solidarity Tourism in Chile

With your help, we as travel agency want to contribute to a positive development of Chile's social conditions. For this reason, we are supporting the institution Domingo Savio.

Our Social Commitment

Domingo Savio is a non-profit institution in Santiago. Since 1980, it has been assisting children and young people who are threatened by poverty and who live in conditions that endanger their healthy development. The day care center helps about 40 adolescents between five and 16 years of age from the neighborhood, whose child welfare is at risk and care cannot be provided, for those who show abnormalities in their development or who have experienced sexual abuse. We know the engagement firsthand. In our original profession as Social Worker (Fernanda Gómez) and Inclusive Educator (Moritz Gómez) we worked personally for Domingo Savio from 2002 to 2006. Since then, we have been contributing financially to the activities of the institution.


Further information:

Club Domingo Savio

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